Monday, November 23, 2009


Happy new 4-wheeler day to my dad!! He bought a 4-wheeler while he was in "Utah" and we(really I) offered to deliver it for him. Good reason to get down there. It was a nice trip.
Anthony, Cole, Grandpa and Camden

Taylor, Grandpa, and Camden
Dad made dinner that night and it was definitely the first for most of us.

Yep, that is a buffalo heart. I wanted to dissect it but Dad wouldn't let me. He cooked it instead. It wasn't that bad actually. I can't believe how big a buffalo heart really is.

you guessed it- that IS a 20 oz DP bottle. AMAZING!!The final product
So you know those bears people have that have been carved out of a log?? Well, my brother-in-law (John) is amazing and carved one just for fun (without being told how). He was wanting some logs because he already has people lined up wanting to buy some from him. I offered my Dad's amazing logging skills to provide him with some logs. While I was down we went and got some (8 in fact) and I hauled them back up and delivered them to John. I absolutely miss being on the mountains with my Dad. It was just my Dad, me, my niece (Jayden), Nikki and 6(I guess 7 (Jayden)) of the 17 grand kids that went up. Since my Dad was cutting that left just Jayden and myself to haul (or drag/roll) them down the hill. Nikki was the photographer since she is pregnant. The grand kids were alot of help. I was impressed with the boys, they worked hard and didn't quit until the logs were all down.

My beautiful niece JaydenThe amazing man himself (my Dad)
Jay and I being the oxen (my Dad made a yoke(sorry if spelled wrong)so Jay and I could drag them down).

Bella and Cole

Taylor- my helper
This log took the most effort/muscles to get it down.

Anthony, Sean and Taylor

Lumber jacks by nature!
Jayden, Dad and Cole
Yep, still working on it
grand kids: Sean, Taylor, Anthony, Bella, Sadie, Cole, and Dakota
There it is again! That thing was heavy

Cole after all the hard work (I almost had to wake him up for the picture)

We stopped and got three more pieces to top the load off on our way down.
Thanks Mom, Mari, and Emiko that were at the house making a yummy early Thanksgiving dinner! It was delicious!