Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tri-tip anyone??

Thanks to MeriAnn and Art for having us over for dinner Saturday. Art makes the BEST tri-tip ever!! It is so yummy! We had a lot of fun. Thanks for the fun game.
Art eating dinner at the "COOL" table MeriAnn and her CUTE belly
Cam eating a Popsicle- although he kinda looks like a vampire that just sucked some blood- wa a a a a!!

Anthony's blue tongue

The girls and the flower- we discovered that the camera can do fun color accents so we decided to play

Camden making faces with a little help from his daddy

He thought this was so funny

Tay and Anthony with their silly faces

Thanks MeriAnn and Art for the fun night. It was great to see you guys

1 comment:

MeriAnn said...

It was fun. I don't get to see you nearly enough anymore so I am glad we could get together!